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Feminine Restoration Podcast with Kris Britton

May 25, 2020

I recently heard a question on the radio that shook me... "How would you live if you lived the way God saw you?" I sat with this question and could see all my limitations and fears and could feel them wash away.

Today we are going to deep into how this question is the key to achieving all you want and living an aligned...

May 18, 2020

The world is changing and now is the best time to follow your passion.  A question I have been receiving is "will things go back to normal", and in today's episode, we cover what we believe and what you can do today to set yourself and your family up for a great life!  Tune into today’s podcast and learn why now...

May 11, 2020

The number one question I receive from women and why clients work with me is because they want to know HOW to be more feminine. This is a time where we as women are being asked to return to our hearts, to live in our love, to allow the walls to come down and for our potency to BE radiant. We need this more than ever...

May 4, 2020

I have been having the same conversation with many women over the last month and what I am hearing is "I don't feel confident telling my partner my goals". What this really boils down to is that many women have realized they don't trust the masculine and they are ready to rewrite this story. 

In this episode, I share...