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Feminine Restoration Podcast with Kris Britton

Nov 26, 2018

I’m sure if you’re like me, you’ve got the “hustle” mastered, but your body and soul are aching for a state of flow…. You are ready to feel held and supported by the Universe with deep trust and knowing and thrive in your life and business with ease, not a need to white knuckle and force.

In this episode we...

Nov 19, 2018

What comes up for you when you think of MONEY?  There is a lot of worry energy that comes up for women when they think of money and this worry actually repels money.  

I know it can seem “hard” when you want or need money, but you don’t believe you are worthy or deserving of it, or if you believe it takes a lot of...

Nov 12, 2018

Let’s talk about why you need an evening routine for your flowing success and growth! As you might imagine, having an evening routine where you spend sacred time with yourself and the divine, you shift out of frustration, fear and overwhelm and dissolve the heaviness so you can allow the magic of your desires take...

Nov 5, 2018

If you’re a woman in business, do you need to be “masculine” to be successful or can you create great success in your feminine essence?  This is question I get asked a lot from women.

If you’ve tried the grit and grind and it burnt you out, this weeks episode is going to give you the steps you can take today to...